[SHORT] Don't confuse big bets for a lean strategy
How the Michelin Guide started with a big bet
Back in the 1900s, Michelin already sells tyres. They wanted to sell more
Therefore, they create the Michelin Guide. First edition: 35000 copies printed.
The total amount of cars in France? 3000
That’s conviction of a market, it’s a bet.
However, it’s not lean and a risky move for those without deep pockets
There are dozens of stories like this, where entrepreneurs make big bets and win.
Don’t confuse these stories of risky bets for a lean strategy
Counting on an instant homerun is risky
If you can only afford one big bet, split it up into some smaller bets to derisk
The fact that you believe in your startup doesn’t mean you should take risks you can’t bear
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