Foremost: There are no silver bullets for these problems. However, there are examples of how it can be done. Bear in mind, I'm no expert on either of these issues and solving issues like this is a trial and error process of step by step improving the situation rather than having it solved at once.
Homelessness: Look at Finland. Create free housing programs and reintegration. Responsibility: Government. Requires a wealthy state and a social/progressive outlook on this issue.
Income inequality: Redistribution via taxes (Read Global Inequality by Brank Milanovic on how this actually works. Income inequality before and after taxation differences in the EU are huge)
But this is easy stuff. Now we come to hard stuff. What to do about income inequality between EU and Africa? How could we create a more prosperous Africa to improve the quality of life over there. Having stable democracies can be a source, which might be influenced by politicians and NGOs. Rwanda is showing great work here.
World Hunger? Yikes, that's another wicked problem I can't claim to solve. I think hunger might be one were some problems can be solved by startups, but mostly it's a logisitics issue. The World Bank and other investors are trying to invest in agriculture over there, which is good, but it's very hard to feed all the mouths in Africa. I'm no expert here so I will stop talking now.
I’ve never tried to tackle any of those just shallowly think about them and I can see how complex they can be and rely on so many different systems and variable. Very tricky indeed!
I’m genuinely curious, what would be the solution or the approach you’d propose to solving those problems then?
Foremost: There are no silver bullets for these problems. However, there are examples of how it can be done. Bear in mind, I'm no expert on either of these issues and solving issues like this is a trial and error process of step by step improving the situation rather than having it solved at once.
Homelessness: Look at Finland. Create free housing programs and reintegration. Responsibility: Government. Requires a wealthy state and a social/progressive outlook on this issue.
Income inequality: Redistribution via taxes (Read Global Inequality by Brank Milanovic on how this actually works. Income inequality before and after taxation differences in the EU are huge)
But this is easy stuff. Now we come to hard stuff. What to do about income inequality between EU and Africa? How could we create a more prosperous Africa to improve the quality of life over there. Having stable democracies can be a source, which might be influenced by politicians and NGOs. Rwanda is showing great work here.
World Hunger? Yikes, that's another wicked problem I can't claim to solve. I think hunger might be one were some problems can be solved by startups, but mostly it's a logisitics issue. The World Bank and other investors are trying to invest in agriculture over there, which is good, but it's very hard to feed all the mouths in Africa. I'm no expert here so I will stop talking now.
I’ve never tried to tackle any of those just shallowly think about them and I can see how complex they can be and rely on so many different systems and variable. Very tricky indeed!
Thanks. Never gave this much thought, but it’s very true. Very insightful.