Yes MVP is important. But it creates tunnel vision for the product. There’s a business model to design too.
MVP battles feature bloat
“What is the simplest product you can sell viably?”
This adage is thrown around to avoid feature creep at startups. Keep it simple. Why not apply this to the rest of your startup? Meet the Minimum Viable Startup:
Minimum Viable Startup battles business model complexity
Just like feature bloat/creep is undesirable, adding too many things to your business model is also undesirable.
It will make execution harder and your chance of failing higher. In your startup’s early stage, focus on building the Minimum Viable Startup:
Minimum Viable Startup (MVS):
“What is the most simple business model that you can pull off?”
Key philosophy
It’s not an achievement to design something complex
It’s an achievement to make something work
Reduce moving parts
Reduce the number of relationships between those parts
Edit: Forgot to add the poll