Do you know about U-shaped conversations?
Rock any convo with this technique ⏰ Reading time 1 minute
U-shaped conversations start and end nicely, making it easier to talk about hard things in the middle without causing upset. This way, everyone stays calm and open to finding solutions. It ends on a good note, keeping relationships strong.
It is like the ‘feedback-sandwich’-technique, yet applicable on more than just feedback conversations.
I use it mostly on
Sales calls
Problem interviews
1. Easy stuff to start with
Don’t bombard them with hard questions at the start.
Talk about recent wins by them
Talk about what they like about their job or thing
2. Hard stuff in the middle
Whip out the problems and challenges
You can be critical of their responses and ask follow-up questions
Be sure not to overdo it, hard doesn’t equal mean
3. Easy stuff to end with
Talk about aspirations and ambitions
“Where do you want to be etc”
Talk about future meetings where you will help to solve issues at hand
Thanks Jeroen! It reads a bit similar to the "shit sandwich" way of providing feedback, how is this different?